Fox in Socks and Socks in Box
Category: Livres anglais et étrangers,Children's Books,Animals
Fox in Socks and Socks in Box Details
A board book and socks in a box—perfect for gift giving! It's the perfect gift--a sturdy board book edition of Dr. Seuss's Fox in Sock in a box with a pair of toddler-size Fox socks! Ideal for baby showers, holidays, and happy occasions of all kinds, the size 4-5.5 socks (a 97% poly 3% spandex blend with anti-slip rubber grips on the soles) are designed to fit toddlers approximately 12 to 36 months and are available exclusively in this deluxe package. The board book--an abridged version of the classic Beginner Book--features a tricky fox in socks and the progressively more difficult tongue-twisting games he plays on his exasperated friend Knox. Ideal for read-aloud, this beloved board book will have babies wiggling their Fox sock-covered toes in delight as their parents struggle, like Knox, to blab such blibber blubber as muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle!
Superbe collection pour apprendre l'anglais aux enfants tout en s'amusant. C'est aussi valable pour les adultes qui veulent jouer avec les mots.Les livres de Dr Seuss sont un classique, et font partie de la culture britannique.